
Helping Gallagher make the right first impression



Introducing Gallagher

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. is a global insurance brokerage and risk management services firm headquartered in Illinois, USA.

The firm was established in 1927, and employs more than 21,500 people worldwide in more than 150 countries. It is the fourth largest insurance broker in the world.

Three challenges

We aimed to transform Gallagher’s sales pitch offerings with three key goals in mind…

  • The right first impression – Creating an impressive visual presentation that reflects the capability and scale of a multi-billion dollar organisation, with local presence and knowledge.
  • Compelling conversations – Using engaging visuals embedded into an interactive sales tool, delivering compelling messages that will educate prospects to why they need to ‘do something different’.
  • Converting opportunities – Teaching client-facing colleagues to deliver relevant, compelling and concise messages which will result in a second meeting. Allowing Gallagher to demonstrate how they can add value from information they will obtain between the first and second meeting.

The results

The sales messaging, slide production and coaching have resulted in a significant improvement in the ‘first to second’ meeting conversion rates – the primary objective of the engagement.

Our tools helped Gallagher to deliver a compelling proposition in ‘meeting one’, which would gain the approval of prospective buyers to provide additional information. From here, we secured ‘meeting two’  to present our initial findings and recommendations.

The results were aided by our two-day training programme to not only teach the team how to deliver the presentation effectively, but to also help them how interactive sales presentations make an impact, and why traditional presentations don’t work anymore.

  • The overall engagement and deliverables were superb and unlike anything I have experienced before. It helped my team to understand why traditional presentations don't work and how to use our new sales presentation to engage the audience and deliver relevant content.”

    Jon Simpkin

    Managing Director North Region UK Retail

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