British Engineering Services

Transforming a house of brands to become a branded house

British Engineering Services


Photo of the BES Group Exhibition Stand design
BES Group website screenshot on a tablet

BES Group

As an organisation, BES Group has been established since 1859, and as they continue to move from strength to strength and as the company expands to exciting new realms, it was essential that their objectives and global future ambitions were conceptualized into a future proof brand identity.

British Engineering brand guidelines


How do we take an iconically ‘red’ brand and make it green?

Ultimate were tasked with developing a brand for BES Group that made them THE go to for end to end risk management solutions. We needed to create a brand that was not only global, but took a house of brands to form a branded house.

We also had to take an iconically ‘red’ brand and allow it to truly reflect their sustainability and ESG commitments.

BES Group logo and brand guidelines info
BES Group brand colours


Your safety, our focus

After an in depth consultative workshop, Ultimate developed the final creative concept for the brand. We created an inspiring, reliable and future ready brand that is the go to for BES Group’s customer’s safety and end to end risk management solutions.

This route has a huge amount of flex, that in essence focuses on the day to day detail of their experts, doing what they do best. It was pivotal that we created and communicated a moto, your safety, our focus.

Photo of the BES Group Exhibition Stand design


Bringing internal comms to life

Creating flexibility is key for internal teams to keep all communications on brand, clear and always engaging.

BES Group Internal documents examples (business cards and note sheets)
  • I just wanted to reach out to let you know how pleased the Exec team and Chairman are with the new brand along with the presentation that Heather created for us recently. It's going to be launched at our investors board meeting in a few weeks time, then externally following that. Thanks for all the teams hard work. ”

    Alice Tomlinson

    Group Head of Marketing, BES Group

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